1.God has planned a way for you today and every day;

He has your life within His hands, just trust in Him and obey.

Your future’s under His control, though you may not Understand;

The path that He is leading you is just what He has planned.


Just walk in faith he’ll give you eyes to make you see

His holy presence, might and majesty

He is there to give you constant victory

When you just walk in faith

2.His Holy Spirit will support and guide you through the day;

We may not see the path before but eyes of faith will see;

The master’s just ahead with hand to steady lest you fall;

He’s promised that He’ll answer when to Him we humbly call.

3.The eyes of faith can look  beyond discouragement and fear,

Though all around is doubt, distress; faith knows the Lord is near.

Greater is He that is within than he that stands without; 

Faith overcomes with fearless power claims victory without Doubt.

4.Perhaps today we feel that your own faith is almost gone;

Then look to Christ who is the Author of our faith alone;

With His own faith within your life you too will overcome,

And live for Him in gratitude for all that He has done.

5.Within God’s word we read of those who stood in faith so firm 

Did exploits through His mighty Name, His promise to Confirm;

His word is still the same today for those who will believe;

God wants to fill you with His faith-reach out and you’ll receive