1.With praises on our lips we draw nigh to thee,

With hands lifted up on high;

With songs in our hearts we bow down to thee;

All that is in us doth cry:


Above every name, above every pow’r,

Exalted above all things;

Uncreated and undying Thou art,

Thy words are eternal springs;

Yet mortals like us have captured Thy heart;

What joy to our soul it brings!

2.No good thing didst Thou from our lives withhold,

No evil befell our ways;

And apparent evil did soon unfold

The blessings of endless days

3.When blistering storms tried our lives to kill,

And winds tried to lead astray,

Thy voice like the thunder said, “Peace, be still!”

And we are still Thine today

4.When stillness prevailed, with no words to cheer,

When prayer had no sure reply,

Thy silence did speak rather loud and clear

Like words of a full supply.

5.In days of the past, Jesus, Thou wast true,

Today, Thou art still the same,

Tomorrow, Thy mercies will see us through;

In honour our lips proclaim: