
Look up! your redemption’s drawing near;

Listen! soon the trumpet you will hear;

Keep watching! for the signs around

Announcing His return

Prepare yourselves, be ready, when he comes,

To leave this world;

Forsake the things which hinder you,

Let nothing hold you back;

In a twinkling He will come and then be gone.

1.The Lord is coming, we have heard

So many times before;

We still have time to settle things, we say,

That unforgiveness, anger, pride,

The worldly ways that still abide;

But we forget that Jesus soon will come.

2.Perhaps today, Oh glorious thought!

Our lord may come, to take

His own beloved faithful Bride away;

Not all will know, not all will hear,

He’ll come in secret to appear

To those who truly long for his return.

3.Yet one more day, the lord has giv’n

To sanctify our lives,

To cleanse our hearts, to seek his face again,

To fill us with His love, once more,

Revive us with His mighty power,

That we with joy will welcome Him that hour.

4.Perhaps today, now with delight

We long for that great Day;

With hearts prepared, by faith our eyes can see

The vision of our Heavenly Groom

Awaiting to receive us soon,

To take us to that home prepared above