1.  O loving God of peace and grace,

Reveal Thy life through me

By sanctifying every part

That I might holy be.


O let the beauty of Thy Holiness

Dear Lord, be seen in me;

Thy purity, humility and grace

Flow out through me.

Thy meekness, peace and joy and love,

O Holy Spirit, gentle Dove,

Descend, restore, renew, refine,

Create in me a life divine.

2.Sanctify my spirit, Lord,

To seek only for Thee.

Make me to understand Thy ways

Obey Thee willingly

3.Sanctify my soul I pray

Affections and desires.

Help me to choose what thou hast planned

And to that end aspire.

4.Sanctify my being Lord,

To serve Thee faithfully,

Giving each member, to be made

Available to Thee.

5.Make me a holy vessel, Lord,

Just set apart for Thee.

Lord purify my every thought

Each word and every deed.

6.A vision of Thy holiness,

Lord give, that I might see

How holy, harmless, undefiled,

Thy loving Bride should be.

7.Partaking of Thy holiness

I look for that blest day

When Thou wilt come to take me as

Thy spotless Bride away.