1.Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place!

For long we lived a wandering race;

For habitation, we found no city

Until we found our happy home in Thee!


God, Thou hast been our Help, from daysof yore

Our Rest for now, forevermore!

Our hearts desire art Thou!

Our heart’s desire art Thou!

We find our home in Thee!

2.Our years we spent vain as a tale;

In sighings oft, our strength did fail;

That we may number our days before Thee

Thou didst deliver us from vanity.

3.A thousand years are in Thy sight

As yesterday past overnight

From everlasting to everlasting

O, Thou art God: to Thee our praise we bring.

4.God, Thou art great and Lord of all

And at Thy feet we prostrate fall;

On earth as strangers, our hope laid on Thee,

Our lives we consecrate, dear Lord, to Thee.

5.And safe in Thee, our dwelling place

We’ll brave life’s storms and run this race;

Thou Lord, prepare us, and make us worthy

In thee our Home to live eternally.