1. Praising the Lord shall the righteous sing, “He’s our Shield of help”
Shout of a king is in their midst; always they prevail
They shall dark some forces tread, walking bold as lion’s whelp
They shall strike the foe and Judah’s Lion hail!
Eternal God is our Refuge, He’s our great Defender too!
Thrusting out from us the foe and commanding, “him destroy”
He has made us more than conquerors in Him; Yes, true!
Made us more than conquerors, so praise His Name!
2. Promises given to us in Christ are our stay and Might,
We have been made righteous in Him, hence we’ll never fear;
Never turn behind in fright; claim our victory Through Christ,
We shall walk triumphantly by Him in cheer.
3. Though shall our enemy come as flood, we shall Him defy
Righteous in Christ, we shall condemn all his evil
Spirit of the Lord shall fight lifting up His standard High
We shall stand secure in God our strong high Tow’r
4. Mighty through God we’ll subdue the thoughts that against Him rise,
Growing in love, walking by faith, we shall Overcome,
Trampling down deceit and pride, breaking earthly bonds and ties,
We shall reign in life and reach Jerusalem.
5. Roaring from Zion the Lord declares, “ Ye shall be My own,
I have espoused you unto Me, truthful ye shall be.”
Called to be His glorious Bride and to reign from heavn’ly throne,
We shall keep our holiness and purity.