1. Come unto Me, my child, frustrated and needy,
This world is not for you worthy.
Do you look for days of greater wealth and ease?
Remember soon the joy of worldly men will cease.
O my child, there is time no longer;
Entangle not yourself with the world and wander:
I have chosen you as My soldier;
Endure hardness; you’ll receive the crown in grandeur!
2. Come and rejoice in Me, there’s rest and liberty;
When sin you serve, you’ll be weary.
Die to sin and self; then live by faith on Me;
You’ll walk in life that’s new and perfect in victory.
3. Come, be renewed My child; with pow’r I will gird you,
Anoint, transform and exalt you.
You shall no more cry, “I’m lone, forsaken, sad,”
By Spirit raised to Beulah Land you’ll say, “I’m glad”.
4. Come, will you say, “My Lord, my heart I will give Thee,
I’ve lived my days all without Thee”
Live henceforth in Me; be by My Spirit led;
You’ll grow to be like Me; in you My love I’ve shed.
5. Come and behold, how men distressed and in pain cry!
I need you child, will you draw nigh?
Will you all forsake and say, “I’ll do Thy will”?
How pleased I’ll be! With Me you’ll stand on Zion’s hill