1. O God of Love, Thou art my Refuge,
Why should I fear when storms against me rage?
Under Thy wings, I find perfect peace
And there forever all my strivings cease;
From all my cares I am now free,
Thy praise shall be my song eternally.
Bless the Lord of mercies, bless His Name,
Bless Him O my soul, for His grace:
He will never fail thee; seek His face;
He lives, He lives, He lives to answer thee.
2. Oh Lord, uphold me by Thy right hand
As on Thy steadfast promises I stand;
Oh keep me ever close by Thy side,
For I am strong when I Thee abide;
Thy pow’rful Name gives victory,
Thy praise shall be my song eternally.
3. Thou art my Saviour, Shepherd and Friend,
I look to Thee, on Whom my joys depend;
Thy life was laid a ransom for me
And earned for me a pardon full and free;
My life, my all shall be for Thee,
Thy praise shall be my song eternally.
4. I lift my heart in praise toward Thee
For all that Thou dost have in store for me;
Glorious and bright, a sweet, heav’nly hope,
Radiant and holy New Jerusalem,
Forever there I’ll reign with Thee;
Thy praise shall be my song eternally.