1. Who is He, in the crib poorly clad in swaddlingrags?
Who is He, lowly child, Whom the wisemen seek?
Who is He, Whom the angels praise and worship as their Lord?
Is He not the gentle Christ so mild and meek?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah to the Saviour born,
Let us crown Him King, with praise adornand glorify His Name,
Oh! magnify His fame!
2. Lamb of God, free from sin, spotless in His purity,
Come from Heav’n to redeem sinners by Hisblood,
This is He, Who was slain and Who is risenfrom the dead,
Now become our Advocate before our God.
3. Spring of life, flowing forth to the thirsty wearysouls,
Pardoning, healing those stricken by disease,
This is He, Who did bear our griefs and sorrows on the tree,
Is He not our strength and righteousness and peace?
4. Word of God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Fathertrue,
Mighty God, Counsellor, King Of kings is He;
Of His rule and His greatness there shall never be an end,
Is this not Messiah come to set us free?
5. Blessing, honour and pow’r to the Lamb upon thethrone,
Conquering Satan’s might on mount Calvary;
Every knee shall in Heaven and on earth before Him bow,
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Lord of Eternity!