Jesus Christ is made to me

1. Jesus Christ is made to me, all I need, all I need,
    He alone is all my plea, He is all need.

    Wisdom, righteousness and pow’r, holiness for evermore,
    My redemption full and sure, He is all I need.

2. Jesus is my all in all, all I need, all I need
    While He keeps, I cannot fall, He is all I need.

3. He redeemed me when He died, all in I need, all I need,
    I with Him am crucified, He is all I need.

4. To my saviour will I cleave, all I need, all I need
    He will not His servant leave, He is all I need.

5. He’s the treasure of my soul, all I need, all I need
    He has cleansed and made me whole, he is all I need.

6. Glory, glory to the Lamb, all I need, all I need,
    By His Spirit sealed I am, he is all I need.

7. Oh, the precious blood of Christ, all I need, all I need,
    It’s the perfect sacrifice, he is all I need.