I lift my heart right up toThee;

       I love Thee now as ne’erbefore,

       For, Oh! my God, Thoulovest me.




        I neverwill my love withdraw,

        For Oh!I love Thee more and more,

        And Thyundying love for me

        Shall bemy theme eternally.


2.               I long to see Thee face to face,

And one day in Thy glory shine.


3.               My life is being sanctified,

Thy name is written on my brow.


4.               How much I long to be like Thee,

Who art my prize and my reward.


5.              Dear Jesus,take me all the way,

I’m clinging to Thy Calv’ry’s tree,

I give my life, my will to Thee.

And praise Thy grace, shout victory.