1. Great are the ways of God to know,
The depths of love for me;
By death Thou crushed the ruthless foe,
From sin to set me free,
Waiting for the Lord Who is coming for me,
Precious are my thoughts of Thee,
Waiting for the day when shadows all do flee,
When will that morning be?
Waiting for that day, waiting for that day,
Waiting for the Crowning Day.
2. Peace, perfect peace of God I have,
No more to falter now,
My heart Thou flood’st with rapt’rous love,
I at Thy feet do bow.
3. Thy strength divine from Heav’n to me,
Thou art my rod and staff;
Thy pastures green enriches me,
With finest wheat not chaff.
4. All day and night Thou leadest me,
Thy tender voice I hear;
Thy healing waters quicken me,
No ills can make me fear.
5. What wealth of Heaven is stored for me,
Joint-heir with Thee to reign,
Eternal Kingdom offered free,
For me the Lamb was slain.