A sure Physician once did walk the streets of Galilee,
   To all who came in simple faith, His virtue flowed out free,
   His gracious words men’s hearts inspired, to follow Him alway;
   Yes, this Physician is the same, He heals the sick today.


   Verily Jesus heals today,
   Matters not what men say,
   Verily Jesus heals today,
   His power is just the same.

2. A beggar blind sat by the way as Jesus passed along,
    “Have mercy, Son of David” cried, though hustled by the throng;
    Then Jesus spake, “Receive thy sight, thy faith hath set thee free,”
    The people wondered when they saw Him make the blind to see.

3. Once Jesus saw a woman old whom Satan almost slew,
    Afflicted sore and bound for years, for Christ she never knew,
    He gently touched and whispered low, “Oh woman, loosed be thou!”
    Straight up she stood and worshipped Him Who did His mercy show.

4. A palsied servant sick at home with grievous torment lay,
    His humble master said to Christ, “O speak, it cannot stay,”
    Then Jesus marveling said, “I have not found such faith and pow’r,”
    He went His way believing Him – the servant healed that hour.

5. These mighty signs will follow all who truly believe,
 The sick and suffering by His word their healing shall receive;
 “I am the Lord that healeth thee” we now do hear Him say,
 The One Who raised the dead to life can never change today.