1. We shall behold, when trumpet declares,
Tidings so great, oh, how precious and rare,
Through the bright clouds in great glory appear,
Jesus, the Joy of all heaven!
Jesus, the Joy of all heaven – (Repeat)
How we long to see Him,
And await to greet Him –
Jesus, the Joy of all heaven!
2. Church of the first-born, redeemed by His love,
Chosen of Him, sanctified from above,
Longing we wait for our Lord to appear,
Jesus, the Joy of all heaven!
3. Faithful the saints who from Zion will reign,
Garments most glist’ning doth each one obtain,
Glory resplendent adorns that domain,
Jesus, the Joy of all heaven!
4. Strangers and pilgrims they had no abode,
Gladly they suffered, the crown their reward,
Looking for city whose builder is God,
Jesus, the Joy of all heaven!
5. Like many waters their song will resound,
Faultless they serve before Father enthroned,
Praising in glory the Lamb so profound,
Jesus, the Joy of all heaven!