1. There is a Shepherd Who’s searching,
Seeking to save the lost,
Rich in His mercy He’s pleading,
Faithful to uttermost.
Weary and heavy laden,
Jesus has borne your burden,
Freely He’ll grant you pardon,
He lives for evermore.
2. There is a Healer most mighty,
Able to hear your cry,
Satan doth fear the Almighty,
His works doth God defy.
Christ bore your ev’ry sickness,
Carried Himself your weakness,
Lean on His love and goodness,
Count on His faithful Word.
3. Great is the Spirit of promise,
Sent from the throne above,
Sanctifies you for His service,
Labour for dying love.
Jesus is Lord and Master,
Reigns in you now – hereafter,
Comforter sent from Father,
His love perfecteth you.
4. When the Lord comes for His chosen,
Clothed in His glory bright,
Will you be fit for His Heaven,
Meant for His saints in light?
Fields are now ripe for reaping,
Sweetly they lisp the warning,
Soon is the day approaching,
When there’ll be no more night.
5. Christ is the Lord of all Heaven,
Far above all enthroned,
Veil that enshrouds is now riven,
Where treasures rare are stored.
Kingdom for saints in glory,
Who can declare this story?
Zion awaits your entry,
Blessed Eternity.