1. I am looking for my King from distant shore,
Waiting for the breaking of the day;
When the trumpet sounds and all the angels soar,
Waiting for the breaking of the day.
Waiting, watching,
All saints are waiting for the promised King!
Waiting, watching,
Waiting for the soon returning King.
2. Now my heart is throbbing with expectant joy,
Waiting for the breaking of the day;
What a glory then will all His saints enjoy,
Waiting for the breaking for the day.
3. Saints from every clime shall meet Him in the air,
Waiting for the breaking of the day;
Clothed in glist’ning robes, He doth the Bride prepare,
Waiting for the breaking of the day.
4. There’s a festal throng to sing His praises there,
Waiting for the breaking of the day;
Each with harp of gold, His virtue shall declare,
Waiting for the breaking of the day.
5. Now my soul beware, and have thy conscience clear,
Waiting for the breaking of the day;
When the Lord appears and then my race be o’er,
Waiting for the breaking of the day.
6. Signs in earth and heaven show the day is near,
Waiting for the breaking of the day;
All creation groans, for that redemption hour,
Waiting for the breaking of the day.