1. When sore distressed, cast down by cares of life,
    And when you find your efforts will not do,
    Why should you fear? Be still and cease from strife;
    He’ll bear you through, He’ll bear you through.


    Nearer to Him, drawn by His cords of love,
    Nearer to Him, the cross explains it now,
    Your falt’ring steps He’ll safely guide them through;
    He’ll bear you through; He’ll bear you through.

2. When doubts assail and fears beset your way,
    And when your trembling heart is burdened too,
    Faithful is He, there’s nothing to dismay,
    He’ll bear you through, He’ll bear you through.

3. When world condemns and all your friends disown,
    When sin has left its mortal stain on you,
    Do not despair, the foe is now o’erthrown,
    He’ll bear you through, He’ll bear you through.

4. When bowed with pain and sickness doth torment,
    And fear of death hath cast a dismal gloom,
    There’s healing sure for those who will repent;
    He’ll bear you through, He’ll bear you through.

5. Is future dark, no hope beyond the grave?
    Is heaven yet a realm unknown to you?
    Only believe! All Heaven’s wealth you have;
    He’ll bear you through, He’ll bear you through.